
Hiring in this day and age has become more complicated with time. Many possible and unconscious biases in the hiring process happen including race, age, and education. That is where blind hiring comes in.


Blind recruitment 

is the process of hiring without bias. How? By removing the information section that mentions a name, age, education, race, and years of experience. In some cases, hiring managers also remove addresses and locations.


Why the blind recruitment process?


  • Promotes Diversity:

Blind recruitment is encouraged because it can promote diverse hires. Without having information on how a person looks, it opens up opportunities for people who have the potential from their experience.


Why diversify? Click here to learn more about why diversity is beneficial for your company.


  • Promotes Experienced Hires:

The process allows for hires to be employed solely on their experience and the ability to handle the job description. By removing biases on whether they are older or younger, race, location, or prior education.


How to edit your CV to promote Blind Recruitment?


Instead of having a section with personal information, replace it with a summary of your experience and skills. A biography will help the hiring manager have a glimpse of your skills and what you can handle without/ before looking through the whole CV.


Click here to read my article titled "Sell Yourself in Style" which has some tips on how to create a good bio for your CV.


How to Implement Blind Hiring?


In the hiring process consider requesting candidates to submit CVs that do not include personal information. Some hiring managers prefer Job Profiles instead of CVs so that they receive key career points.


Does it work?


Blind recruitment is a step in the right direction towards removing initial biases in the hiring process. Combating hiring bias can act as the stepping stone that empowers companies to tackle other challenges down the line.


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