
Under-performance in the workplace is the most common reason for employee turnover. Under-performance is caused by different reasons, some personal, work-related, or both. Employer based underperformance can be cause due to different reasons such as lack of incentives, lack of resources and unclear expectations.


But first what does under-performance mean?

Under-performance occurs when an employee is no longer meeting the standard of work that is required. It can look like different things, for example, delays on deadlines, sloppy work, or attendance.


What can an employer do to avoid under-performance?


1. Clear Expectations

The common cause of underperformance is a lack of knowledge of the Job description. Does your employee know what their role is? Has the Job description been clearly defined to them? Click here to my article on how to prepare a Job Description to attract the right talent

Hiring managers need to be very clear on what is required from the employee before they start work. Expectations are set clearly from the beginning and they can be more aware of what they need to do.


2. Growth Opportunities

Secondly, employees tend to underperform in the long run because of a lack of motivation. Growth should be an integral part of a company's hiring plan. The reassurance of Job growth opportunities is crucial to driving motivation in some employees.

Incentives play a significant role in motivating employees. Creating incentives such as promotions, bonuses, and raises, upon meeting targets assist in boosting productivity.


How to manage underperformance?

So you have found an employee that is underperforming and not meeting the target, now what?

The best step to take as a leader is to find out the root of their lack of productivity. Assess the situation informally before taking it to the proper channels. In most cases, this should instigate a change in the employee.


Employee policies are put in place for cases where an employee doesn't meet expectations. Create an action plan that outline's what expectations to meet, any training or help they should receive, and the importance of performing the role.


Set proper and realistic follow dates on the employee's performance to ensure that your action plan is working.


Shugulika Africa Limited provides Human Resource Consulting services that ensure your company has the right employee policies in place to ensure productivity. Check out all our services here: Shugulika Africa Services